
Hi, my name is George. I'm a writer living in San Diego.

I'm interested in living my aesthetics as I develop them through daily contemplation on the page. I create quietly and live simply. I work by words upon myself to live in ways which feel whole. It's a daily practice going on 5 years now.

Each month I collect new writing in a booklet which I print, hand-bind, and send out by mail to a small group of readers. You can subscribe here.

As I remake my understandings from a place of confusion I change, and the writing changes with me.

I'd love to share it with you.

All works on this site and in my printed booklets are offered with a creative commons zero license. You can share, repost, excerpt, remix, and in whatever fashion take the words as your own, no attribution required. They are offered with gratitude for the myriad forces contributing to their creation.